Wins & Fails


All too often we have those winning moments in parenting when we wish someone would notice just how much we rock. Whether it was that time you happened to grab an extra diaper on the day your son has explosive diarrhea or that time you finally, after months of tears and under-your-breath-swearing, taught your daughter to ride a bike without training wheels. Wouldn't it be nice if a sudden burst of confetti exploded around you and a deep voice (Barry White, obviously) whispered in your ear, "Daaaamn, that was awesome. You're rocking this whole parenting thing." Well we can't offer that service here, but together we can highlight our successes and celebrate each other. We'll share our own parenting wins and keep our eyes peeled for locals moms and dads who are having a winning moment. 


Okay, okay...parenting also has it's failing moments. Those moments when you think to yourself, I may have just screwed this kid up a little bit. We all know our kids survive and, in the end, everything will be just fine. And what's even better is that, at some point, we can look back at these moments and laugh. We can also relate to each other through our struggles. Our hope is that by sharing those moments of failure we can begin to laugh and reflect sooner. We can also connect with each other by finding out that we're all in the same boat. And that boat is floating (somehow).