
We love to eat good food and, more importantly, we like our kids to eat good food. The children's menu at certain restaurants can be very limiting, providing the typical mac and cheese, buttered noodles, or chicken nuggets selection. While we understand kids can be picky little monsters, we want more healthy choices on their menu that meet every dietary need.

We're also thinking about ourselves (obviously). Wouldn't it be nice to know that those quaint, hip restaurants you're too nervous to bring your kids to actually have great options for kids? Or what about the low-down at all of our new local breweries? So many places are happy to accommodate our little rascals while we enjoy an adult beverage to take the edge off parenting life.

For these reasons, we're on a mission to highlight those Twin Cities eateries that offer delicious food options, kid-friendly environments, and a space where parents can relax a bit too. Lord knows we deserve it.