about the authors

Carrie and Jessa have been friends since 1993. They grew up together in the suburbs of St. Paul, surviving those awkward middle and high school years until going their separate ways for college and building their careers. After nearly 20 years of living apart in various states and countries, they have returned to their hometown roots in the Twin Cities, along with their husbands and 4 kids (2 each).

Seeking a creative outlet to share their parenting adventures, they decided to create The North Vine. An inclusive and supportive space for parents and families that understands the humor and struggles that go along with parenting. It's also a resource for finding out about local events, kid-friendly restaurants and access to tools for raising socially conscious children in our current society.


Damn they were cool.

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Carrie lives in southeast Minneapolis with her husband, their two daughters, and their Great Dane. In 2015, after 11 years in New York City, she and her husband decided to move back home to Minnesota, where they both grew up and where they wanted to raise their family.  In addition to writing this blog, she is a full-time corporate lawyer. 

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We're here to give you the lowdown on what's awesome. While we do receive income from affiliate partnerships, we do not accept financial sponsorship in exchange for content. These are our opinions only. And our opinions are always correct. 

tell us!

Since we don't have the scoop on everything going on around town, we'd love to hear from you. Let us know what your favorite events are or if you'd like to add something to our calendar of events.
