Yet Another Bathroom Situation - FAIL!

You know those nightmare scenarios where you can see that something terrible is about to happen, but you're powerless to stop it? 

The other day I had both girls at Junie's ballet school.  Both Junie and I had to pee before her class, so we went into the family bathroom.  She went first, of course, and we went through all of the usual public bathroom stuff -- "Don't touch anything.  Please don't touch anything.  Oh my God, do you really have to hold onto the seat?  I don't think you're going to fall in.  Are you done?  Okay.  Wash your hands.  Please use soap.  Here are the paper towels.  Good job!"

Then it was my turn. I was mid-pee when I looked over and noticed Junie fiddling with the locked door.  This has happened once or twice in a bathroom stall, but normally it takes her long enough to figure out how to unlock it that I can finish and it doesn't matter.  Also, it's usually a STALL, within a bathroom full of women.  This was a stand alone bathroom that opened into the lobby of her dance studio.  So I started asking, ordering, pleading: "Do not open the door.  Do you hear me?  Do not open the door.  Please don't open the door.  DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR." 

But she's a four year old, and she wanted to peek into the lobby, and didn't understand why I cared so much.  Of course she opened the door.  When I saw that it was inevitable, I just hoped there would be no one in the immediate sight line of the toilet.  But of course there was.  I made direct eye contact with a dance dad who was sitting on the couch right outside.  While I was sitting on the fucking toilet.  He looked away, probably more embarrassed than I was, as I struggled to get over to the door and slam it shut.  

So that was cool.  Thanks, girl!