Birthday Requests- WIN!

For Dex’s 7th birthday he had one very detailed request: Breakfast in bed. There’s more. He laid out the exact time and method of delivery as well as the exact placement of said breakfast.

  1. Toast two chocolate waffles and top them with Nutella

  2. Place waffles on a white plate and put them on a lap tray along with a glass of orange juice

  3. Enter my bedroom at 7:30

  4. Place the tray of waffles on my dresser and then wake me up

  5. I will sit up in bed and you will place the tray over my legs, above the knee

  6. I will eat my breakfast and drink my juice

  7. You can make breakfast in bed for Teddy too but he is not allowed to eat it in my bed. He must remain in his own bed.

He’s at that age now where he’s going to remember this kind of stuff. When he gets older I want him to reflect on his childhood birthdays thinking he was spoiled rotten so I added some colorful sprinkles and birthday-themed decorations to make it extra special.

He eventually caved and let his little brother join him for breakfast. We awkwardly stood there and watched them eat breakfast.

*This was not a nude breakfast session. There are pj shorts under there somewhere.