Sponer!- WIN!


Do you ever get a sponer after packing your kid's lunch? You know, a sponer, a self-pride-boner. It's when you do something to make yourself so proud. Like a little too proud. 

I don't pack my kids' lunches everyday but when I do I tell myself one of three things:

  1. "What even is that?" I often refer to these lunches as "smorgasbords". It's a fancy word used to blind everyone from the fact that I don't want to go to the grocery store so they'll be eating whatever is left in the fridge. The other day my son had a string cheese, half-an eaten box of raisins, two carrot sticks, a leftover quesadilla slice, and a scoop of peanut butter. I should include a little picture of myself giving the old wink-and-gun with a speech bubble saying, "Look at you eating this fancy dish."
  2. "That'll work." This is for those standard PBJ days. Throw in some carrots, an apple and something crunchy and you're done. 
  3. "Shwing!" Like anyone else cares. But seriously there are some days when I feel like I should probably just open up a little mom-n-pop shop filled with pre-made lunches for kids. The school bus could swing by on its way to school so the kids could pick out their lunches. They'd struggle to decide which one to pick. Little Efron (kids have such weird names these days) would be like, "I don't know Crouton, I feel like these dolmas with a hint of pink Himalayan sea salt might be better than that quinoa and coconut crusted halibut wrap you've selected." Can't you just see it? 

In all seriousness, packing lunches can be pretty annoying. Especially when you're trying to find new and creative ways to get your kids to eat something nutritious. I find it ridiculous to see those Pinterest lunch ideas where the sandwich is cut in the shape of Mickey Mouse or the fruit is in rainbow order along a holiday-themed kabob stick. Who the h-e-double hockey sticks has time for that? Don't get me wrong, if you're doing that you're a rockstar. I just don't have time for it. What makes me feel like a rockstar lunch lady is when my kids have a colorful array of food from every food group in their lunch. The extra gold star comes from when I know that lunch is filled with food they love. Sponer!